API Testing Interview Questions

4 min readApr 22, 2024


API Testing Interview Questions

If you’re preparing for a API Testing interview, it’s essential to demonstrate your knowledge and proficiency in using various API Testing Tools like Postman and SoapUI.

Be ready to discuss any projects you’ve worked on using API Testing, highlighting challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

Below are some API Testing Interview Questions:

1. What is API Testing?

2. What are the types of API testing?

3. What is the importance of API testing?

4. Explain the difference between SOAP and REST APIs.

5. What tools can you use for API testing?

6. What are the common HTTP methods used in RESTful APIs?

7. Explain the term “Endpoint” in the context of APIs.

8. What is the difference between a URI, URL, and URN?

9. What is the difference between stubs and mocks in API testing?

10. What are the common challenges faced in API testing?

11. Explain the steps involved in API testing.

12. What is the role of assertions in API testing?

13. How do you handle authentication in API testing?

14. What are some best practices for API testing?

15. What are the key components of an API request?

16. Explain the concept of Mocking in API testing.

17. What is Contract Testing in the context of APIs?

18. How do you handle versioning in API testing?

19. What are the common HTTP status codes encountered in API testing, and what do they signify?

20. Explain the term “Content-Type” header in API requests and its significance in testing.

21. What strategies can you employ for API load testing?

22. How do you ensure API security during testing?

23. What are the advantages of using automated testing for APIs?

24. Can you explain the concept of API versioning and its importance?

25. How do you approach API testing for microservices architectures?

26. What is the purpose of the POST method in API testing, and how is it different from the GET method?

27. Explain the concept of statelessness in RESTful APIs.

28. What is the purpose of API documentation, and how does it aid in testing?

29. How do you handle pagination in API testing?

30. What are some techniques for testing API performance?

31. What is the purpose of API contract testing, and how is it different from functional testing?

32. How do you handle dynamic data in API testing?

33. Explain the concept of negative testing in API testing.

34. How do you ensure API reliability and availability during testing?

35. What role does API testing play in the context of Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines?

36. What is the purpose of HTTP headers in API requests and responses?

37. What are the advantages of using JSON as a data format for API communication?

38. Explain the concept of stateful and stateless authentication mechanisms in API testing.

39. How do you handle error responses in API testing, and why is it important?

40. What are the common security vulnerabilities you look for in API testing, and how do you mitigate them?

41. How do you ensure data integrity in API testing, especially when dealing with data persistence?

42. What strategies can you employ for API testing when dealing with asynchronous operations or long-running tasks?

43. How do you approach API testing for real-time applications or streaming services?

44. How do you handle versioning of APIs, especially when supporting multiple versions concurrently?

45. Can you explain the concept of contract-first testing in API development?

46. What is the role of mocking frameworks in API testing, and when do you use them?

47. How do you ensure test coverage in API testing, and what metrics do you consider?

48. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using third-party APIs in your application, from a testing perspective?

49. How do you ensure API reliability and performance across different environments (e.g., development, testing, production)?

50. What is the role of dependency injection in API testing, and how does it facilitate testing?

51. What strategies do you employ for testing APIs that require user authentication or authorization?

52. How do you handle testing for idempotent operations in API testing?

53. What is the purpose of API monitoring, and what metrics do you track during monitoring?

54. How do you approach testing for API backward compatibility and version migration?

55. Can you explain the concept of API virtualization, and how is it used in API testing?

56. How do you handle testing for caching mechanisms in API testing, and what challenges do you encounter?

57. What is the purpose of load balancing in API testing, and how do you test it?

58. Can you explain the concept of API gateway and its role in API testing?

59. How do you handle testing for API rate limiting and throttling mechanisms?

60. What is the purpose of API transformation in API testing, and how do you validate transformed data?

61. How do you ensure API compatibility across different platforms, devices, and browsers?

62. What strategies do you employ for testing APIs that involve file uploads or downloads?

63. What is the purpose of API sandbox environments, and how do they aid in testing?

64. Can you explain the concept of fuzz testing in API testing, and how do you perform it?

65. What best practices do you follow for maintaining and evolving API test suites over time?

✨You can read the answers to these questions in below link:👇

🌠Best Of Luck For Your Interview! 💼




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